{ "attributes": [ { "trait_type": "Author", "value": "bell" }, { "trait_type": "Photo", "value": "YES" }, { "trait_type": "Video", "value": "NO" }, { "trait_type": "Audio", "value": "NO" }, { "trait_type": "Likes count", "value": "6" }, { "trait_type": "Comments count", "value": "0" }, { "trait_type": "Backed count", "value": "30" }, { "trait_type": "Repost count", "value": "2" } ], "description": "The {B} BELL token is on Authencity! First I gave away thousands to anyone that asked, then more to those who registered on my website and more to those that followed me on Twitter and had an #ENS Domain in their profile. If you want to spend your #BELLtokens you can rent VR land to show off your NFTs. \n\n\nhttps://authencity.infura-ipfs.io/ipfs/QmVrEyL3RGqSsT9hfo8yAMpPD5xPygDdfj7GWpCJnnqXs7 \n", "external_url": "https://authencity.io/post/42", "image": "https://authencity.io/api/Download/getOpenSeaImage/42", "name": "Authencity publication by (@bell)", "animation_url": null, "youtube_url": null, "seller_fee_basis_points": 700, "collection": null, "properties": null }